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Jumat, 27 Februari 2015
Benefits of Kissing for Dental Health
Kissing has many benefits but there are also negatives of kissing that can transmit the disease. even the researchers were able to prove that kissing has a positive thing for health. kissing can prevent damage to the teeth and prevent tooth decay, kissing can also help relieve stress and burn calories.
Even so brushing teeth regularly remains the best way of maintaining healthy teeth, Some studies even if the actual impact kissing good for health, especially the health of the teeth, as reported cosmeticdentistryguide, Monday (12/9).
kissing known to have a good impact on dental health it is because saliva. saliva is a natural barrier to dental health. When secretion and contact with teeth, saliva will neutralize the acid that is formed of food particles in the mouth and in between teeth. This is because the potentially harmful acid enamel. Saliva also helps kill bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria are still left on the teeth can damage tooth enamel and cause cavities.
Saliva in our mouth contains calcium and phosphate. The main material forming the teeth is calcium. In the presence of calcium and phosphate in saliva will rebuild a small gap where the tooth enamel may have faded.
In order for the production and circulation of saliva remains constant, you have to talk and eat to keep the mouth remains active. you have to maintain oral health so that you do not have bad breath, one with frequent talk and eat.
By kissing you can eliminate most of saliva. Because the movement of the tongue while kissing will lead to the secretion of saliva to one teaspoonful every time a kiss per minute.
Saliva can work to prevent cavities and tooth decay even keep the teeth in order to be in good health. But if someone wants to get the benefits of kissing then he must keep his mouth first. because in kissing someone will exchange saliva. If one of the kissing couple has bacteria in the mouth then he will pass it to their partner.
Secret Behind Sigh Women During Sex
University of Central Lancashir UK do research to the 71 women who relate to Sigh Women on When Love. Who wants to answer the question of whether a woman during a sigh or sighing noises during sex was a sign they had reached orgasm?
From these results it can be seen that cry, moan and sigh at the time of intercourse does not necessarily prove that the woman has reached orgasm.
Many people thought that the sound of breathing woman during intercourse is evidence that they have felt the sensation of pleasure sex outstanding. But it is not always true. There is another possibility that he just wanted to put an end to sexual intercourse.
"Sometimes women manipulate their partner's behavior for its own sake," said Dr. Ohn Grohol, the one of the researchers. He also added that many women who make noise during sex just to help their partner climax.
From other studies may also indicate that women naughty sigh, moan and cry during intercourse can help people to reach orgasm faster.
From these results it can be seen that cry, moan and sigh at the time of intercourse does not necessarily prove that the woman has reached orgasm.
Many people thought that the sound of breathing woman during intercourse is evidence that they have felt the sensation of pleasure sex outstanding. But it is not always true. There is another possibility that he just wanted to put an end to sexual intercourse.
"Sometimes women manipulate their partner's behavior for its own sake," said Dr. Ohn Grohol, the one of the researchers. He also added that many women who make noise during sex just to help their partner climax.
From other studies may also indicate that women naughty sigh, moan and cry during intercourse can help people to reach orgasm faster.
How to Prevent Acne and Wrinkles
Acne will appear starting from the period of puberty to adulthood. But the fact is, according to research conducted by a team from the University of Alabama, 1 (One) of every 2 (two) of adult women will experience acne at some stage in his life.
In addition, other skin problems that occur on the face was continued with the first occurrence of fine lines that will turn into wrinkles. Face Wrinkles indeed be certain to appear, but in some women, wrinkles will appear earlier, it is because the facial skin care less than the maximum. Want to know how to prevent acne at the same time slow down the appearance of wrinkles? Here are three steps as described
1. Avoid facial cleanser made from hard
You should be more careful in choosing a facial cleanser. Select a daily cleanser foam soft fabric. If it contains scrubs, select the texture is very smooth.
Harsh cleaners, not only can aggravate acne conditions but also makes removes the natural oils in the skin. This will make the wrinkles appear faster.
2. Using a facial cleanser that contains salicylic acid
Salicylic acid formula can lift dead skin cells in the pores, so it does not clog the oil in the skin that can trigger acne. "Like aspirin, salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help prevent acne," says dermatologist David McDaniel.
3. Do not over use anti-aging products
Many anti-aging cream is formulated for dry skin-old woman. The formula actually contains a lot of oil and not control it.
Of them that can trigger acne more. Should select skin care cream light formula, such as serum, gel, oil-free moisturizer or glycerin-based.
In addition, other skin problems that occur on the face was continued with the first occurrence of fine lines that will turn into wrinkles. Face Wrinkles indeed be certain to appear, but in some women, wrinkles will appear earlier, it is because the facial skin care less than the maximum. Want to know how to prevent acne at the same time slow down the appearance of wrinkles? Here are three steps as described
1. Avoid facial cleanser made from hard
You should be more careful in choosing a facial cleanser. Select a daily cleanser foam soft fabric. If it contains scrubs, select the texture is very smooth.
Harsh cleaners, not only can aggravate acne conditions but also makes removes the natural oils in the skin. This will make the wrinkles appear faster.
2. Using a facial cleanser that contains salicylic acid
Salicylic acid formula can lift dead skin cells in the pores, so it does not clog the oil in the skin that can trigger acne. "Like aspirin, salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help prevent acne," says dermatologist David McDaniel.
3. Do not over use anti-aging products
Many anti-aging cream is formulated for dry skin-old woman. The formula actually contains a lot of oil and not control it.
Of them that can trigger acne more. Should select skin care cream light formula, such as serum, gel, oil-free moisturizer or glycerin-based.
How to Prevent Aging with Natural Ingredients
In line with the passing of time we will not be able to avoid the name of an old disease. Aging occurs during natural that every human being is bound to experience it. But despite it all we could have prevented the arrival of aging. Here are tips to prevent aging with natural ingredients
1. Garlic
Garlic has been known to fight viruses and bacteria. In addition, garlic also can reduce cholesterol levels and also can lower blood pressure. From studies in Japan it is known that garlic can slow memory loss due to age.
2. Ginkgo
By taking ginkgo from a study was found to increase blood flow to the brain, one of the organs most commonly affected by aging. European studies have shown that consumption of ginkgo can help people from Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
3. Ginseng
According to James Duke, herbalists, ginseng can improve skin elasticity and muscle strengthening. Including improving the digestive system and sexual arousal.
4. Peppermint
In addition to helping the digestive process and overcome the problems associated with aging, peppermint also contains antioxidants. This substance helps prevent cancer, heart disease, and other diseases associated with aging.
5. Turmeric
Turmeric can be used to reduce pain and inflammation due to aging. The team from the University of California, USA, was also discovered that turmeric can inhibit the outbreak of the mucous membranes of the brain known as the trigger for Alzheimer's disease
1. Garlic
Garlic has been known to fight viruses and bacteria. In addition, garlic also can reduce cholesterol levels and also can lower blood pressure. From studies in Japan it is known that garlic can slow memory loss due to age.
2. Ginkgo
By taking ginkgo from a study was found to increase blood flow to the brain, one of the organs most commonly affected by aging. European studies have shown that consumption of ginkgo can help people from Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
3. Ginseng
According to James Duke, herbalists, ginseng can improve skin elasticity and muscle strengthening. Including improving the digestive system and sexual arousal.
4. Peppermint
In addition to helping the digestive process and overcome the problems associated with aging, peppermint also contains antioxidants. This substance helps prevent cancer, heart disease, and other diseases associated with aging.
5. Turmeric
Turmeric can be used to reduce pain and inflammation due to aging. The team from the University of California, USA, was also discovered that turmeric can inhibit the outbreak of the mucous membranes of the brain known as the trigger for Alzheimer's disease
Health Benefits of Chocolate
Many people already know this one snack, especially for women, but not many know the benefits of chocolate that turns out to have various health benefits. For chocolate lovers there are recent studies , that eating chocolate has a 37% lower risk of developing heart problems, and 29% less likely to develop a stroke, compared to those who did not consume.
Still there are many other benefits of chocolate, here are Some Benefits of Chocolate For Health:
1. Benefits of Chocolate can help in math.
Chocolate has compounds called flavonols which can increase blood circulation to the brain. A 2009 study showed that participants who ate chocolate with flavonols content count down three times faster than those who do not eat chocolate.
2. Benefits of Chocolate may reduce appetite.
Researchers from Denmark found that those who ate dark chocolate before eating will acquire 15 percent fewer calories. In addition they are not tempted to consume fatty foods compared with those who did not eat chocolate, so chocolate is very helpful for those who are dieting program.
3. Benefits of Chocolate can improve mood.
Chocolate contains phenethylamine, which triggers the release of endorphins. The effect is similar to when we are in love. Even researchers in the UK, said that if the couple who consume more chocolate will get pleasure while kissing than not consume chocolate.
4. Benefits of Chocolate can get rid of boredom / stress
Many people who experience stress every day and the first thing they think of is chocolate. Research shows that chocolate contains compounds anandamide, which activates receptors in the brain by way of the same work as when enjoying marijuana. So by eating a piece of chocolate can relieve stress and can alter a person's mood.
5. Benefits of Chocolate can extend life expectancy.
A study conducted by experts from the British Medical Journal found that those who consumed chocolate and candy at least once in a month can extend up to one year of age.
Still there are many other benefits of chocolate, here are Some Benefits of Chocolate For Health:
1. Benefits of Chocolate can help in math.
Chocolate has compounds called flavonols which can increase blood circulation to the brain. A 2009 study showed that participants who ate chocolate with flavonols content count down three times faster than those who do not eat chocolate.
2. Benefits of Chocolate may reduce appetite.
Researchers from Denmark found that those who ate dark chocolate before eating will acquire 15 percent fewer calories. In addition they are not tempted to consume fatty foods compared with those who did not eat chocolate, so chocolate is very helpful for those who are dieting program.
3. Benefits of Chocolate can improve mood.
Chocolate contains phenethylamine, which triggers the release of endorphins. The effect is similar to when we are in love. Even researchers in the UK, said that if the couple who consume more chocolate will get pleasure while kissing than not consume chocolate.
4. Benefits of Chocolate can get rid of boredom / stress
Many people who experience stress every day and the first thing they think of is chocolate. Research shows that chocolate contains compounds anandamide, which activates receptors in the brain by way of the same work as when enjoying marijuana. So by eating a piece of chocolate can relieve stress and can alter a person's mood.
5. Benefits of Chocolate can extend life expectancy.
A study conducted by experts from the British Medical Journal found that those who consumed chocolate and candy at least once in a month can extend up to one year of age.
Selasa, 24 Februari 2015
Toothpaste, Can Rid of Blackheads?
Toothpaste, Can Rid of Blackheads?
You must be familiar with this object. Toothpaste or often referred to as ordinary toothpaste you use to whiten and nourish your teeth and mouth. But it turns out toothpaste can also get rid of blackheads on your face. How could?
Blackheads more often because we do not treat the face or clean it regularly. So that the skin cells that have died mixes with bacteria clog the skin pores. Oily types will be more sensitive infected blackhead because the production of excess oil can clog skin pores.
We will prove that the toothpaste could be eliminating blackheads. The trick is very easy and simple does not require excessive time and effort. The steps are as follows:
1. Wash your face first with warm water before you sleep
2. Apply toothpaste taste on your face and nose blackheads
3. Allow a few moments until the skin feels cold
4. Wait about 10-15 minutes, do massage gently on and the face area and nose is much more relaxed.
5. Then you wash your face with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel and smooth, so as not to injure the skin.
After blackheads thats clean, press your nose gently with a sterile spoon that has been cooled. This method aims to shrink the pores of the skin and prevent blackheads come back.
The content of fluoride in toothpaste efficacious in removing blackheads on the face and nose is considered very effective to help reduce the inflammation caused by infection. The use of toothpaste also aims to reduce the amount of excess oil on the face. So the face becomes dry and reduced oil content in the face.
It turns out that toothpaste can remove blackheads. We've proved it. How about you? Good luck and feel the benefits! Visit this article, also invite your friends.
6 Nutrition Important to Improve the Quality of Love
6 Nutrition Important to Improve the Quality of Love
Aphrodisiac food is still doubt its existence, but the nutrients can improve the quality and sexual health is a fact. There are several types of foods that contain certain nutrients, if consumed regularly can help you make the event better. It's six of these nutrients by Anna Maria and Brian Clement, author of '7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality'.
1. Wheat
Whole wheat contains vitamin B-complex that helps stabilize all systems in the body, increase libido and essential for the growth of the production of sex hormones in men and women. At breakfast, replace white bread with whole grain bread or potato chips snack replace with whole wheat cookies.
2. Niacin
Foods such as avocados, cantaloupe and spinach can increase sensitivity to sexual stimulation because contains niacin or as known as vitamin B3. According to Brian as quoted from Shape, "Niacin blood circulation to all organs and glandular system and increase the activity of the cells, thus reinforcing the sensitivity during sex."
3. Vitamin E
Vitamins are abundant in sweet potatoes, raspberries, carrots and most types of nuts is also known as 'vitamin sex'. According to Brian, vitamin E can increase libido in both men and women, increasing the sensitivity and help longer lasting lovemaking session. "The food (which contains vitamin E) should be consumed three hours before sexual activity," he advised.
4. Essential Fatty Acids
"Sprouts, seeds, nuts and whole grains can help couples add sexual pleasure because it contains essential fatty acids that are essential to increase stimulation and sensitivity in love," said Brian.
5. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is very important for a person's sexual health because these nutrients role
in the development of all body cells. Vitamin D also helps fight mutagenic factors that damage and set the mood. "Snacking shiitake mushrooms will give you extra vitamin D to restore your sexual vitality," added Brian.
6. Zinc
Zinc can increase the sensitivity of the clitoris when stimulated and nutrients essential for the functioning of the body's immune system. These nutrients are abundant in green leafy vegetables and pumpkin seeds. Additionally, Zinc also helps relieve stress; reduced stress levels will help make sex better.
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