Selasa, 24 Februari 2015

Danger of Repeal Fur Nose

Danger of Repeal Fur Nose

For anyone who like plucking nose, it looks like the following article is obligatory to observe. Why? in fact, this habit can potentially cause injury at the root of nose hair, which then develop into ulcers.
Fuss again, ulcers in the nose it feels worse than the boils that exist outside of the body part. Patients will feel throbbing pain in head and extreme pain that can make it able to sleep well.

According to Dr. Djoko Roestiniadi Soemantri SpTHT KL., A specialist in ear, nose, throat, and head and neck RSU Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya, Indonesia. ulcers in the nose also can not heal by itself. Thus, patients are advised to immediately go to the doctor and do not try to treat yourself these ulcers.

Drugs are usually given by a physician is an antibiotic. And this is an important step as it turns out, in the nose there is blood vessels leading to the brain directly. Wound in the area can allow bacteria or other germs enter the body and attacks the brain. What's worse, it can lead to inflammation of the brain. Scary, huh?

For the same reason, it is advisable not to tamper with pimples that appear in the area above the lip.

Then, what if feels nose hairs long-term? Should be left alone. But if considered very disturbing, including in terms of appearance, may be trimmed. Condition, do not be revoked, but cut using special scissors. Usually smaller than regular scissors. It should be noted also that at the time of cutting, watch lest there nose hairs are cut into the nose.

As information, nose hair itself actually has a very important role for our health. He serves as a filter for small particles that are inhaled. Usefulness nose hair feels when we were in the room were very dusty. Normally, the body immediately respond to the presence of small particles that are inhaled nose with sneezing way. Just imagine if none of the nose hair - how dirty our lungs becomes.

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