About the Efficacy of Sprouts
There are many ways you can do so wife quickly get pregnant. Of course this is just an alternative solution, because as a religious man we assured that everything was already there that set, including our pregnancy. So do not be too sure of what you are doing, but do not be too desperate. What you should do is to try and pray so that you will remain optimistic though probably many ways that you have done but have not succeeded as well.
Effect of Food for Fertility
Food has long been believed to be the effect on sexual desire and fertility. Each region or tribe usually have certain foods that are believed to increase fertility.
Among so many types of food, myths of sprouts as the main menu fertilising of the most frequently heard.
Boyke Dian Nugraha, consultant gynecologist and sex, admitted sprouts is beneficial for fertility. "Because, sprouts contain antioxidants and vitamin E," he said. During this time, many people taking vitamin E as an additional or food supplements to prevent premature aging and maintain health and skin elasticity.
Efficacy of sprouts actually more intended for men. Because, in addition to nourish, sprouts can also boost the vitality and virility of men.
However, according to Ichramsjah A. Rachman, a specialist in obstetrics and diseases of the Faculty of Medicine UI, eating sprouts simply not be able to make fertile.
He told, he ever had a patient who has a dozen years not to have babies. "Because there friend recommends to consume sprouts, he was doing it, but still it is not effective,".
Sprouts for health benefits
Bean sprouts are derived from grains, such as green beans, which has a white section with a length of up to 3 cm. Form of sprouts obtained after processing the seeds for a few days. Form of sprouts is quite small compared to other vegetables, however, this plant contains no small benefit. Vegetable sprouts of any kind, either mung bean sprouts, soy bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, and other types of sprouts contain a lot highly fitokimiawi compound that are beneficial. One is canavanine, the type of amino acid building blocks of most arginine stored in alfalfa sprouts.
When compared with the seeds, sprouts or bean sprouts more nutritious. Protein sprouts 19% higher than the original protein content in seeds. How come? this is because, during the germination process, the formation of the essential amino acids which are building blocks of proteins.
There are so many benefits that we derive from very small plants, which are:
Preventing Cancer
The process becomes sprouts has outlined 90% polysaccharides chain into simple carbohydrates, so that the compound is easily absorbed by the body, without producing gas. Because it contains a lot of fiber and water, sprouts help drain the dirt in the colon. It is a double strength sprouts in the fight against cancer. By pushing the dirt immediately left colon, so that no toxic substances in the dirt that can be absorbed by the body. And this will prevent the buildup of toxic substances that can stimulate the blossoming of the seeds of cancer.
Preventing Heart Attack and Stroke
The raised risk of stroke and heart attack which caused a lot of blood fat levels soar, it is recommended to eat more bean sprouts. This is due, saponins in sprouts will destroy the bad fat LDL without interfere good fat content HDL. And saponins which can be obtained in large alfalfa sprouts when the seeds germination, which generally saponin
levels rose 450%.
Preventing Osteoporosis
Natural estrogen found in sprouts may function together with the synthetic estrogen, but the advantages of natural estrogen has no side effects. So that the sprouts significantly estrogen can increase bone density, bone formation and prevent bone rottenness.
Generating Immune System
Saponins sprouts can also arouse the immune system, in particular by increasing the activity of the natural vessel cells (natural killer cells), in particular T-Lymphocytes and interferon. In addition to DNA, sprouts rich in antioxidants that fortify the body from free radical cell DNA.
Other Benefits
Because alkaline (base), the sprouts are very good for keeping the acidity of the stomach and facilitate digestion. Sprouts are also good for beauty, which helps rejuvenate and soften the skin, eliminating black spots on the face, cure acne, nourish hair and also streamline body. Because it contains Vitamin E, sprouts can also help increase fertility. For women who often eat sprouts, will help avoid breast cancer, disruption before menstruation, premenopausal and menopausal disorders due
So from now on, what is wrong to try to focus our attention on plants around the house, do not depend on medicines that contain lots of chemicals, a disease that one recovered but other diseases come. Never underestimate the small things, because who knows behind its small stored huge benefit.